Digital Graphics Program Coordinator
Computer Science Department
• Effective Presentations
• Introductiion to Flash
• Electronic Publication
• Digital Imaging
2008 to 2010
Adjunct Professor, Graphic Design and Digital Media, Art Department
• Digital Media Foundations I
• Introduction to Digital Media
• Introduction to Graphic Design
• Graphic Design
• Introduction to Multimedia,
• Design for Multimedia
• Introduction to Web Design
• Web Authoring
at MERAMEC— 2007 to 2008
at FLORISSANT VALLEY —1999 - 2007
Associate Professor, Graphic Communication
• Graphic Design, all levels — Students study the use of tools and materials, concept development, typography, and layout for effective visual communication. Basic 2D design principles are emphasized. Assignments cover simple to complex visual communication problems to create logo design, package design, point of purchase and publication design.
• Graphic Production I & 2, Students study the history of printing, commercial printing processes. Emphasis is on understanding mechanical art procedures, the selection of printing papers, color processes, binding and finishing, pre press preparation and the development of dialog with printing suppliers.
• Computer Art Studio, This class introduces the student to the use of the Macintosh computer and graphic software, Quark Xpress, Adobe Photo Shop, Illustrator and InDesign CS3 as tool and medium for creating images and designs. Assignments allow the student to explore the use of the medium and its application within the context of graphic design
• Communication Design for the World Wide Web 1 and 2, Using Dreamweaver and Flash CS3, students learn to use the elements of graphic design to produce Web pages that effectively deliver art and information for business/organizational communications. The courses explores methods of creating Websites incorporating cascading style sheets, animation and sound plug-ins.
• History of Graphic Communications, This is a survey course on the history of Graphic Communications, that begins with the development of language and traces the evolution of word and image throughout history using the works of designers and illustrators that have influenced the continuing development of the discipline.
• Portfolio Design and Professional Practices, Students produce a professional portfolio, both paper and digital that will consist of newly assigned work, and revised past projects that meet the criteria for future employment in the graphic design field or for school transfer.
at FOREST PARK— 1997 - 1999
Adjunct Professor - Art Department
• Computer Art Studio
• Graphic Design I & 2
• Drawing I, and II, Provided instruction in the fundamentals of drawing to include drawing principles, construction, proportion, form, value, perspective, composition, tools and media. Emphasis on Perception, visual observation, and organizational concepts
• Painting I, II, and Advanced Painting, An introduction to oil painting from still-life objects, with emphasis on technique and the effective use of color and composition and drawing are stressed as they relate to painting. Continuation of study with emphasizing composition and color will be developed for future individual study. Advanced course offers individual study to develop painting and perceptual skills of students.
• Drawing for Graphics 1 & 2, Courses emphasize the study of composition and design as they apply to the solution of graphic design and illustration problems. Students receive instruction in the use of techniques and materials necessary to explore drawing solutions to graphic design problems typically encountered in this field.
• Illustration 1 & 2, A comprehensive exposure to the methods and theories of illustrative drawing and painting as it is used in reproduction with special emphasis is placed on its application to advertising and publication design. An experimental approach to design principles, illustrative drawing and painting and the creative use of materials including the use of computer drawing and painting programs may be stressed.
SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY, St. Louis, Missouri, 1996 - 1998
Adjunct Professor - Department of Communication
• Publication Design. This course consisted of a series of exercises aimed at developing creative skills required for the conceptualization and execution of an actual publication. The class is conducted to function as a professional publication department. Students worked in teams and tasks were assigned based on individual goals and talents.
• Principles of Graphic Design, is an introduction to visual communication theory and practice. Assignments consist of graphic design problems that emphasize the functional and aesthetic use of parts, forms, color and typography and explore the kind of critical thinking that leads to effective visual communication.
MARYVILLE UNIVERSITY, St. Louis Missouri, Fall 1998
Adjunct Professor - Art Department
• Introduction to Graphic Design, Introduction level class includes exercises in the study of typography, color, line, shape, and form for effective visual communication.
WEBSTER UNIVERSITY, St. Louis, Missouri, 1989 - 1997
Adjunct Professor - Art Department
• Design 2D, Concepts presented in this course are based on human visual perception of the natural world. Assignments given, explore and analyze the formal elements and principles of visual organization in two- dimensional design.
• Graphics and Layout for Publication, This course provides media and art students with an understanding of graphic design in the area of publication. Assignments given require creative solutions specific to the design and production of an actual publication.
• Graphic Design I, Introduction level class includes exercises in the study of typography, color, line, shape, and form for effective visual communication.
• Graphic Design IV, Design Studio, Advanced graphic design students work at a professional level on actual jobs brought in from the community to gain experience working with clients, suppliers and creative team.
Edwardsville, Illinois, 1993 - 1994
Graduate Assistantship - Department of Art and Design
• Basic Studio Drawing I, This course is an introduction to foundation drawing skills using a variety of media and techniques. Assignments allow students to exercise these skills and express their creativity.
• Foundation Studio Drawing, A course of study designed to continue the development of personal content and compositional context using a variety of materials, techniques and subject matter with an emphasis on figurative drawing concerns.
• Visual Organization I (Design I), In this course students explore, analyze and use the basic elements and principles of visual organization and Color Theory in two-dimensional work.
• Graphic Design I, Introduction to visual communication theory and practice including study of the elements and principles of perception and design, typographic design, symbol logic, and desktop publishing.
CLAYTON HIGH SCHOOL, Clayton, Missouri, 1976 - 1977
Part time instructor,
• Film Studies, This course provided instruction in black & white photography, super-8 filmmaking and video. Students were given instruction in the use and operation of cameras and equipment, processing and printing as well as presentation and exhibition.
Coos Bay, Oregon, 1973 - 1975
Adjunct Professor - Art Department
Photography 1, An introductory course in black & white photography included the history of photography and instruction in the use of the camera and darkroom equipment. Assignments given reinforced the study of styles and techniques of the photographers discussed in class.
MATRIX An Alternative High School, St. Louis, Missouri, 1971 - 1972
Photography, Basic black & white photography. This class included participation of students in the building of the darkroom that was used for instruction.
St. Louis, Missouri, 1971
Photography, Taught basic black & white photography to Jr. High and High School students. Awarded a grant by the Globe Democrat for equipment and supplies to establish the center’s first class in photography.